BusinessTwo is a simple looking but very powerful business portfolio theme by CSSIgniter. We love this WordPress theme for it’s simple layout that shows content in clear way. If you check the demo then it shows custom background pattern with grey color shade.
The typography style keeps all content sections easily visible to homepage visitors. Thanks to CSSIgniter for providing flexible options so that use can manage styling and layouts for all pages.
Nico Theme Review : CSSIgniter
Homepage Details: BusinessTwo WordPress Theme
Slideshow : When you will choose homepage template then you will see 2 page attributes in the list. Either you can select “Frontpage with Fixed with slider” or “With Full Width Slider”. Once you are done with homepage setup then you can begin adding content for slider. Adding items to the homepage slider is really easier than any other WordPress Themes.
The slider listing area provides “Add New” button to add new slides along with all fields. This is where you can define title, description, link and featured image for new slide. It takes a few minutes to add multiple slides in desired way. Slider mostly catch home visitors attention because of attractive images and headings. You can also set auto sliding mode and define speed for slideshow.
Homepage Sections : Displaying content on homepage takes little time with built-in options and custom widgets. BusinessTwo WordPress theme provides custom homepage that shows slider, services, clients list etc. Apart from that, it has custom call to action button to catch visitors attention and diver them onto special offers, or other sections. There are two extra widget blocks available to highlight newsletter, introduction and more.
Other home contents includes sidebar for Front Page Services and Before Footer area. You can easily add content for this areas from the widgets page. All the business content sections that we just mentioned above can be controlled from CSSIgniter options page. The homepage options has enable/disable buttons for clients, services and you can also assign custom columns layout for them.
Check : Koehn Business Theme
Widgets and Page Templates : CSSIgniter
Custom Widgets : The BusinessTwo theme provides custom selection of widgets for homepage and other general widget areas. The “CI Item” widget allows you to display items by selecting custom post types. Also you can use home widgets to display contacts, banner, and other details. The custom widgets enables you to display banners, latest tweets, Flickr updates, Newsletter widget and more.
If you go over the demo and browse sidebar and footer then you will see the benefit of widget. The widgets can show contacts, custom links, social media links, social profile updates, company/author introduction and what not. You can use full-width or sidebar layout for blog and listing pages. That means, every page can display different set of widgets.
Header Benefits : As said in the beginning that CSSIgniter has developed this WordPress theme for agencies and corporate firms. So it becomes vital to display contacts and provide easy navigation for on-site page access. The header includes a contact section with two boxes to display title and content : e.g. Phone, Email etc. The custom logo uploader can show your image and tag-line on left side. Right side shows primary navigation links with drop-down menu support.
Blog Template : Apart from business oriented content listing pages and options, there is a blog page available for announcements. The blog page is another important page to share updates, product tutorials or news about your business. You can display blog post in list view style with pagination and sidebar on right side.
Content Listing Templates : Business Theme
I already gave you idea about what business contents you can display using ready page templates. Now, we will take closer look on how each template type works. Back-end area provides “Add New” and View items button on back-end area. So you can add new posts using custom post types and edit or view existing posts like services, clients, work samples etc. When you use ready post types and custom listing fields then it saves time and automatically use suitable styling. This process saves time and eliminates need of using extra plugins or hiring programmers.
1) Services : Services : This page can show all your top services that is made available by your business. The services can display featured images which are linked to source page to diver user onto actual (full-view) page. Site owners can assign unique sidebar on the right side.
2) Works : This section will show all work samples, and previous projects, photography, designs and other stuff. Portfolio post type makes it really easier to display all work on listing page. You can use 4 columns, 3 or 2 along with filter category bar. The products section is also setup this same features as “Works” page.
3) Our Clients : This page can be used to share client’s list, or brand partners details. It provides full-page content section just above the clients image section which is good place to add some introduction lines. And then you will see all client’s name and featured images in grid style (maximum 4 columns).
This is how you can start a business, or portfolio or personal content marketing site. BusinessTwo WordPress theme offers options page having controls for home sections, color skins, background, fonts, header, footer, page layouts and more. You will get everything in visual panel that is required to create a professional business site.
CSSIgniter – BusinessTwo Theme : Click for Demo & Price
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