Craft Review Theme Trust : Highly advanced minimal portfolio blog WordPress theme by ThemeTrust for creative individuals. Whether you want to present your work collection or share thoughts you will find this theme useful for both needs. Craft WordPress Theme is also known as best multi-purpose template as it comes with professional blog and portfolio features. The built-in features makes it easier to share work or projects using custom post type given for portfolio.
Read : Clarity Theme – Theme Trust
The blog feed page shows all latest article entries with featured images made automatically by Craft Theme. The simple textured background used in this portfolio theme makes everything look very clear and attractive. Whatever color style, background image or font you can see could be changed easily from Theme Trust options. The WordPress blogging theme allows you to place widgets on blog sidebar to feature latest posts, categories, advertisement banners and more. In-short it is a complete package for two types of need with one solution.
Craft WordPress Theme : Key Features
As WordPress is being used by most of the people demand for quality web templates has also increased. And Theme Trust is one of the highly valuable developer in the market who is famous for it’s SEO friendly and secure coding. All templates released by ThemeTrust always comes with useful custom widgets, page templates, customization options and lifetime update / support. Let’s have a look at some best features of this portfolio theme.
Homepage Sections :
The Craft WordPress Theme consist of all important sections on homepage like slider, portfolio, blog feed section etc. On the top of the page there is a custom header panel so that business individuals could display Logo and Menu-bar with important links to pages. Clear header background makes header elements look more clear and attractive to the visitors eye. The next part is slide-show panel which makes better use of cool transition style for every slide which really makes great impression into visitors mind.
Portfolio Section :
The second part on Craft Theme homepage is slide carousel section that will allow you to insert a title and detail for portfolio. The navigation arrows given by thumbnail carousel will let your visitors to browse your work collection with ease. The full portfolio page will display all work with multiple columns grid. By clicking taxonomy buttons user could filter out by selecting particular category.
This way, visitors can browse your work easily and save lots of time with automatic portfolio filter options. Homepage portfolio section will show off latest work entries to homepage visitors. The core part of this theme is portfolio template and custom post type which really improves way of managing portfolio listing.
Blog Section :
This is another vital part of Craft WordPress Theme as it makes better space to share your thoughts on your business website. Or you can setup “Blog” page as front-page ans start a simple blog using same template. Now you don’t need to buy different theme to start a personal business website, portfolio website or content sharing blog.
Conclusion :
Theme Trust Craft Theme is right choice for business individuals and freelancers who wants to setup simple yet stylish looking website. The business portfolio theme comes with setup guide, full documentation and update support so you can surely trust it to start your next business portal quickly with small budget.
Theme Trust Portfolio Template Features :
- Theme Options Page : All built-in options to customize website
- Logo Uploader : Add image from desktop
- Video Embed support : Use videos with portfolio or blog posts
- Page Templates and widgets
- Fast and Quality Theme Support
- Background Patters : Built-in collection
- Custom Widgets Support
Price : $59 (Get 1 Free bonus Theme with this coupon code “1free”)
Demo & Details Page : Craft Theme – Theme Trust
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