Crave Genesis WordPress Theme Demo : StudioPress Review

Crave Review StudioPress : Highly beautiful genesis child theme for magazine and blog style websites, developed by The Pixelista (3rd party genesis developer) . Crave WordPress Theme is a WordPress magazine theme with truly customization homepage layout where administrator can add multiple category sections, slider, widgets and much more. It is all upto you how you want your homepage to look like, whether you want to add latest posts for blog layout or add featured category sections for magazine layout, you can do anything.

Read : Community Pro Review : StudioPress

Crave Demo Review StudioPress genesis WordPress theme

Thanks to genesis framework for providing all freedom to set right layout, styling and SEO settings. Crave Genesis Child theme for Genesis can run your magazine website with great smoothness because it’s coding work has been done with new development method and it’s framework gear up performance. The StudioPress genesis framework gives you all features and regular updates so you always stay ahead of competitors when it comes to add styling and security.

Read : Outreach Pro Review : StudioPress

What’s Best In Crave Genesis WordPress Theme ?

From the readers perspective it has two main advantage which is styling and navigation. The Crave Demo shows it has beautiful slider buttons, colourful sidebar, fancy fonts and many other stuff to improve look of your website. That means, any one can use this genesis magazine theme to start food/recipe blog, fashion website, multi-purpose magazine platform, kids blog etc.

Slider and Featured categoires Crave theme

On the other hand, navigation side of Crave WordPress Theme is quite attractive which allows administrator to implement lots of category links on menu bar. Not that only, it provide freedom to implement category sections, beautiful automatic slider and stylish widget on sidebar and footer. Whether you want to display latest tweets, social media links, recent posts or author introduction, It has got special widgets for all purpose.

Important Features Review : StudioPress Crave Theme

Responsive : The premium WordPress magazine template is fully responsive that means there will be great freedom for all types of internet users. Any website or blog made with this template will service hand held device users same way as desktop users. All genesis templates are provided with responsive quality feature and that’s why Crave WordPress Theme also brings same framework benefits like Responsive, Smooth loading, SEO friendly layout etc.

Crave WordPress Theme - StudioPress

Once again let me tell you that, developer has tried to improve look and feel of this theme by adding fancy slider, colourful background and bold large fonts to make your contents look appealing. What you an see in Crave theme demo is an example and you can change everything as you like. The magazine theme gives you all freedom to choose right color skin, background style, font size/type and more.

You can even setup homepage in your own way, by adding slider, category blocks, widgets etc. There are widget areas available so you can implement banners and advertisements on different locations. You will find breadcrumb link on the top of every post to see path of article (home/category/post). It is possible to select custom layout for every post and page, that means you can add sidebar to some posts or apply full width layout to remove sidebar.

Widgets Crave Business Theme - StudioPress

CONCLUSION : Crave Review

As we have already talked much about this genesis WordPress theme, I would just say that Crave WordPress Theme has got best features to set unique and attractive layout for your site. The back-end options page consist of features for homepage setting, navigation, layouts, pagination, SEO and everything. There are lots of author and blogger who have tried this theme and they are getting lots of visitors and subscribers because of it’s widgets and user friendly design.

Crave WordPress Theme StudioPress

  • Custom header block : Menubar, Widget, Logo
  • Featured images for Posts : Excerpt (optional)
  • Threaded comments
  • Mobile friendly : Responsive
  • Theme Options page : Everything for customization
  • Background color, patterns to choose from
  • Choose font size, font face for unique look
  • Auto running slider : With stylish navigation buttons
  • Social follower widget : Attractive icons

Price Plan :
Child Theme + Genesis Frame-work : $99.95

Demo & Info Page : Crave Theme StudioPress

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