Erudito Demo : WPZOOM Education WordPress Theme

Erudito is a versatile education WordPress theme by WPZOOM. This theme has been developed for education institutions like Universities, Colleges, School etc. This is just one side of this theme, it is also suitable for corporate websites. In-short, any one can try it to start education or business website. In addition,, it has 12 color skins in ready mode, so you will always find best color that fits to your brand or personal choice.

Erudito WordPress Education Theme Review - WPZOOM

I would recommend all WordPress users to select this theme to start a highly professional online education portal.

Read :

Videozoom 4.0 Review – WPZOOM
WPZOOM Capital Review : Education Theme

Why Erudito WordPress Theme ?

WPZOOM themes are always easy to customize for all type of user. Whether you are a professional developer or a new-bie with basic knowledge, all people can manage website equally using ready options. The ZOOM Framework is main centre of customization where you can find options panel powered by WPZOOM. It gives you General website management options so you can control logo, layouts, colors, background and more.

Responsive education theme - WPZOOM

The options panel also consist of ready options for Banners, Frontpage, Framework, Header, Single post, Menus etc. In-short, you don’t need that much time or skill to start your own education website. Just follow tutorials or use demo content to start same website as in demo.

You are free to add custom links in navigation bar and also use widgets to develop informative website. If you take a look at header, then it shows social links, custom text (phone number), and multiple menus. This is only possible because Erudito has custom header options. Same way, you can populate footer and sidebar with best widgets so that visitors can always find best contents from every corner.

Zoom Framework - Erudito WPZOOM

The theme gives you custom page templates and custom short-codes which is another benefit and very helpful to add creative pages.

Erudito WPZOOM : Main Features

Homepage Builder : Very theme developer provide this facility where user can edit homepage using drag and drop widgets. The homepage consist of two sections, first is top slider area which is optional. Rest of the front-page area highlights bunch of widget sections so you display featured posts like demo. If you closely look at demo (below slider) then it shows a welcome message text area which is ideal for quick introduction. Then comes 3 columns section which allows you to highlight any posts or page.

Erudito Homepage Demo - WPZOOM

The 3rd block highlights 3 featured posts from selected category area. The last section is “Recent Posts” block which is designated to display all latest articles. Though you choose to disable Featured posts and Articles from certain category for this area. This was out talk based on demo preview, you can add as many widgets multiple times as required.

Erudito widgets provide freedom to set title and specify what to display and what not to. The widget management section is the main centre from where you can pick widgets for homepage, sidebar and all other areas. WPZOOM already given content widgets so you don’t have to install extra plugins. If you look at screen-shots above then you will get clear idea on what we are talking about.

Erudito Widgets

More Details :

Featured Slider : Now this is first and top section of homepage which is called “Home Slider”. Education institutes and business people can use slider to highlight best contents like News, Offers and Special announcements. If you want to enable slider then you should tick a button from ZOOM options panel. After that you can start adding slider by ticking “Featured This Post” button that is shown on post/page editor.

Slider Erudito

The slider highlights all slides in auto scrolling mode so visitors can watch all best contents. The administrator can manage slider navigation style, auto scroll mode, timing and everything from slider settings panel.

All Features : Erudito WPZOOM

  • Responsive : Ready to work on any device
  • Footer widgets : 5 sections
  • Sidebar widget support
  • Search widget on menubar
  • Social links on header
  • Sidebar on left or right side
  • Events Archive page
  • Translation options and SEO Ready code
  • Blog template to share news

WPZOOM Erudito Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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