GeneralPress Review – Magazine3 : Most of the professional bloggers are looking for a general WordPress blogging theme so they can use it for specific niche and mixed niche blogs. And therefore, Magazine3 Team has introduced a best WordPress blogging theme to take advantage of latest SEO friendly blog design that works for all. GeneralPress WordPress Theme will adjust to all blogging needs, as developers have added category menu section that will accept multiple links to highlight primary categories on your homepage. On the other hand, this premium blog template follows clean design concept so readers will get better experience while reading articles on your blog.
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Why GeneralPress WordPress Theme Only ?
I have faced this questions from many readers and clients and they often ask why should they spend little more bucks behind this premium blog template as they can find other blog themes with lowest price in the market. And I always say that don’t go behind price only, what you need to get more readers is SEO power and poor themes fail when it comes to get SEO ranking. GeneralPress WordPress Theme has excellent clean coding and menu navigation design that is enough to get you tons of readers by ranking your articles on big search engines. There is no magic involved in this concept, Magazine3 has best team of expert coders who write finest code that follows google algorithm updates. So, in-short we can say that by getting GeneralPress theme alone you can save your blog platform life. Let’s move our talk to discuss main features and their possible benefits.
GeneralPress Main Features – Magazine3 Review
The minimal blogging theme comprises of various features and we would classify it in two parts 1) Main Features 2)Standard or General Features. Right now we will talk about main features below with their benefits. And at the end of this post we will also summarize all basic features so by the time we finish our review for GeneralPress you will have better idea if this theme is suitable for you or not.
Best Header – Out Of Box :
The header is crafted with general section to display logo, Menu section to add all important categories and finally a banner section to implement advertisement on header. There is a space to add social widget so visitors who come over your blog will get a chance to follow your social links. The GeneralPress WordPress Theme has search box widget which is useful entity of header where user can insert keyword to find blog posts relevant to search words. In-short, header will perform various jobs like logo highlight, social connection, ads banner highlight for revenue and powerful navigation to get more SEO link juice while connection your readers to all areas of your blog or website.
Admin Controls by Magazine3 :
The admin page is the main section of WordPress CMS which simplify the task of website customization. Magazine3 provides it’s own custom options panel like all other WordPress Themes. The admin page of GeneralPress WordPress Theme will welcome you will advanced options page that will show you various custom tabs to perform customization for SEO, Header, Homepage, Header and every part of your blog. The admin page will show you way to easily add logo, menu, widgets and categories for homepage. We, can sya that within 5 to 10 minutes you can have your blog ready with desired look and settings.
Featured Slider & Homepage:
This amazing magic slider box will show 3 stories on auto featured slider box selected by blog administrator. The GeneralPress Theme can show any selected posts or pages over slider with featured image and story title. Single click on slider image will take you further on the main story post for further reading. Besides slide-show, it can show 2 more stories so probably you can highlight 2 other stories in static mode here. The other part of the homepage can show selected categories and new blog stories in list mode style. This type of auto updating dynamic homepage is very good for good SEO result.
Verdict for Magazine3 GeneralPress Review
The responsive general blog WordPress theme is good for mobile and tablet readers because it’s 100% adaptive layout makes it fully responsive for all devices. The built-in Magazine3 widgets will populate footer / sidebar areas will latest pots, comments, highly viewed articles etc. The clean blogging theme has everything that is necessary to improve page views, SEO score, readability and advertisement revenue. I would highly suggest GeneralPress WordPress theme to those blogger who believe in clean and SEo friendly blog layout.
GeneralPress Basic Features Review – Magazine3
- Full support : Expert team to answer your queries
- Admin controls : Edit menu, Logo, Color, layouts
- SEO Options and support for SEO plugins
- Widgets Bulk List : All types of widgets
- Social and Newsletter widget : Very Important
- Header Options : Separate menus to add Pages, Categories
- Latest News bar below Logo
- Add Logo Image + Tag-line : Use keyword in tag-line for SEo benefit
- Adsense and Affiliate ready : Banner widgets, In-Post ad options
- Automatic Thumbnails for all posts : Standard, Video, Gallery
Signal Pack : $59
1 year Membership : $249 (Access to all Themes)
GENERALPRESS WordPress Theme Info Page and Demo
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