Modena Demo : WPZOOM Business WordPress Theme

WPZOOM Modena Theme Review : A modern and responsive business WordPress theme with custom homepage layout. It is released for small business like fitness centers, salons, beauty parlours etc. The theme provides custom page templates to highlight your services, testimonials, blog posts, promotional offers etc. The the provides custom header to display featured image (full-width style) and Bold title for header section.

Visit : Domino Review – WPZOOM Magazine Theme

Modena Theme Review - WPZOOM Business WordPress theme for Salon - Spa

Not only that, Modena WordPress Theme provides layout options for all posts and pages. That means, you can select left sidebar, right sidebar or full-width layout style. Thanks WPZOOM for providing ready widgets, short-codes and customization options which is great for administrators. Every page will highlight “Breadcrumb” links with title, so that user can go back on previous page.

Also Visit : WPZOOM Delirium Review – Business Theme

Why Modena Business Theme ?

If you want to expand your business across city or country then you must start a business website. And Modena can help you get started with your first business site where you can easily add Main services. It comes with “Services Directory” so you can add all services with main and sub-categories. For e.g. Hair Treatment, Massage Treatment, Facial etc.

Modena homepage builder

The top region of Modena WordPress Theme highlights a custom header section with logo, menu and custom text. You can upload a business logo, insert custom navigation menu and insert text to display contact number or anything you like. Thanks to WPZOOM for providing 2 widget rows for footer section. This way you can display popular services / treatments and other elements.

We liked this theme for it’s custom widgets : Featured Pages, Call to Action, Opening Hours, Testimonials, Recent Comments, Recent Posts.

Widgets - Moden homepage demo

WPZOOM Modena : Best Features :

With this premium business WordPress theme, you may instantly create custom homepage using WPZOOM widgets. The theme has been coded to work with custom widgets so you can display Featured services, Custom posts, Testimonials and other stuff. Every home section is supported by drag and drop widgets which automatically highlights posts/pages with featured images.

Modena WordPress Theme Demo - WPZOOM

You will allowed to add custom title and links with fronpage sections which makes it easier to create calls to action for homage blocks. Thanks to Modena theme developers for providing lots of widgetized areas like : Sidebar, Footer, Header etc.

WooCommerce Ready :

The theme has been integrated to support “WooCommerce Plugin”, so that user can start an online store with same business theme. This is a highly popular free eCommerce plugin which can surely help you start a goods store to sell any products. Once you setup WooCommerce, then you will get all options for Products listings, Filter options, Sidebar widgets and everything that is necessary to run an eCommerce site.

ZOOM Framework _ Modena Options Panel

I would recommend this premium business WordPress theme to every business individual who wants to promote services through online website portal. The theme is packed with ready options for styling and customization. So it just takes a few minuets to create your own business website without any coding work.

All Features : Modena WordPress Theme

  • Responsive : Adaptive layout to work on mobile and desktop devices
  • Theme options panel : Easy customization
  • Full-Width slide-show for homepage
  • Homepage builder : Dynamic layout
  • Styling features : Fonts, Colors, Background
  • WooCommerce Support : Sell products
  • Blog page : Standard features
  • ZOOM Framework Support : Options and Widgets
  • Testimonials page
  • Directory list : Add pages to display services
  • Translation options
  • Setup custom navigation menus

WPZOOM Modena Theme : Demo – Price

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