Motina : Responsive Blog WordPress Theme : Lipode Reviews

Motina is a Stylish WordPress Theme for bloggers and marketers by Lipode team. This Modern WordPress theme is suitable for all blog types that is equally focused on imagery and texts. Whether you want to create simple blog posts or gallery rich posts, it will always it to different blogging needs.

Motina Lipode - Best WordPress Blog Theme

The photo gallery offers light box support so that user can enjoy browsing all images within ajax container. Thanks to simple layout that only puts content into focus.

Visit : Arbitrage Theme by Lipode

Frontpage : Motina WordPress Theme

Recent Posts : The blog style homepage will deliver all the newly released posts in featured style. What looks so good about homepage is that it uses large featured images for each post entry. Hence, visitors are easily enticed to check out one of the posts from the list. The homepage featured posts also combines a bold title and time duration of post release. You can also change the post listing layout to display full post or excerpt from options panel.

A blog template is not going to work with just simple layout or stylish design. You need your website to acquire certain features that follows modern SEO needs. Motina is a WordPress blog template developed with user experience in mind. That’s the reason why it gives you minimalist layout with SEO optimized coding. It will load homepage, categories and blog posts will load with great speed, even when you add lots of contents.

Homepage Featured Posts - Motina Blog Theme

Header Layout : Lipode has been rated as the best WordPress themes developer for it’s development style. It always creates best quality journal themes that combines great navigation system and flexible layouts. Demo shows that this blogging theme combines a bold header and custom navigation menu. The header has enough height to display your logo, navigation bar and search icon in proper way.

Because of floating style, header and menu will always visible on the top area. Hovering mouse on the menu link will load all the sub-links on the screen. Thanks to the developer for adding hover color styles, and light weight design.

Header and Floating Menu - Motina Theme

Advertisement and Other Options : Lipode Blog Theme

Ad Locations : The Motina WordPress theme has been primarily released with content marketers in goal. Therefore, it covers adsense banner spots and easy ad listing options. Internet marketers and adsense bloggers are going to rip lots of revenue by showing ads into blog posts, and listing pages. You can display banners above post, below post, between posts and many other places.

The given ad slots are likely to boost your ad CTR and overall revenue from any advertisement program. You can integrate ad management system with any affiliate program that suits to your niche or topics.

Ad Locations - Motina Lipode

Responsive Design : The blog posts, header, and all sections are nicely visible on small screen devices. Thanks to the truly responsive layout that is capable to automatically resize on different types of internet gadgets. The menu bar automatically turns into button when you view website from small screen. The featured images, gallery and paragraphs are also resized to fit over the user’s screen.

Responsive Blog Template - Motina Lipode

Footer Area : The footer consist of space to display custom navigation menu, so user can go onto other links easily. The bottom right side of the screen will show you floating button known as “Back To Top”. This ajax floating button is always visible so that user can reach over to the top of the page with single click, any time.

Footer Menu and Back To Top Link - Motina Lipode

Motina Blog Theme Features :

Live Customizer : The WordPress themes are popular because of easy CMS support. Lipode WordPress themes are powered by custom options that is displayed with WP customizer. You can load options window to make changes with font style, colors, background, navigation, header and other sections. The customization changes will be visible in preview screen and it will save huge time.

Single Post : The blog posts will show nice big titles with large taxonomies : Author name, Date, Categories, tags etc. If you check on bottom area then you will find “Related Posts” section. The related posts appear with big featured image and list view style, so visitors can go onto other posts easily. Wide Social sharing button is also available for Facebook.

Single Post - Motina

What Else We Loved ? : Motina WordPress theme is released for professional bloggers and modern internet users. That’s why it has nice widgets collection for sidebar area. You can use widgets to display Featured post entries, Blog categories, Ad Banners, Search box, Social links and other stuff in sidebar.

New age users will save lots of time with Ajax auto loading pagination. The theme will load previous page contents as you scroll down and touch the bottom area. This is best WordPress theme for bloggers who puts content in first focus.

Lipode Motina Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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