Pinstagram WordPress Theme Review – MyThemeShop

Pinstagram Pinterest-Inspired WordPress Theme – MyThemeShop

ReviewPinstagram WordPress Theme is a latest pinterest style responsive blogging theme powered by MyThemeShop. The main core of Pinstagram Theme is highly optimized and very engaging as pinterest. The success behind pinterest type blog platform is it’s ability to control human desired, which is navigation mode and beautiful featured display. This theme represents all new blog posts over homepage by using multiple (small/big) featured columns, and when it is viewed on small screens the number of columns can reduce according to screen width. Thanks to it’s responsive design that makes better adjustments with mobiles, tablets and all type of handy internet devices.

Pinstagram Theme Review - MyThemeShop

Deep Dive into Pinstagram Review :-

Best Display Mode : The blogging mode bas been totally changed since few years as more and more user friendly content platforms are entering into the market. Pinstagram theme has been inspired from Pinterest social website, hence it uses all those features for which Pinterst website is famous fore. The way showing articles with beautiful bold images, stylish button for full post access, excerpt mode and bold title are some of the main elements that makes homepage posts look more powerful and alluring. The taxonomy icons are used to display date, author name, comments total count which looks creative.

Fixed Header Visibility : Day by day this term is becoming more popular because of it’s benefit and as a result user gains access to header menu in all conditions. MyThemeShop programmer decided to use fixed menu bar with Pinstagram WordPress Theme which keeps floating while user scrolls down on the page, as a result user will not loose contact with header section. Modern blogs can display lots of featured posts on homepage (single page) and in this case user must keep scrolling down to dig deep to read all previous posts. With the help of this feature user can always stay connected with header menus, widgets or whatever is there.

Pinstagram Pinterest Blogging Theme - MyThemeShop

Stylish Elements : Pinstagram theme is a modern Pinterest WordPress blogging theme which includes attractive font awesome icons. You can use Font Awesome icons anywhere with title, menu or other places over website. The demo page of this theme shows them used with menu buttons, whatever icons you can see with menu buttons are made available by Font Awesome. Pagination is second beautiful part of Pinstagram Theme, which easily comes into visitors eye because of colorful button design. From MyThemeShop options page you can change pagination mode from the given options. Widget is third beautiful and useful part of this theme, you can show banners, new posts, categories, social buttons and more using widgets.

Schema and Adsense Integration : To explain this feature in simple words I can say that, it will show eye catchy star rating / author image snippet in the search result. Pinstagram WordPress Theme makes best use of snippet view to increase CTR and get more visitors from search engine result page. It will encourage searcher to click your link while skipping others, because of snippet view. Adsense integration has been made flexible with the smart work of MyThemeShop team, which was not easy before. Now, it is possible to move ad-banner to different places on the website freely. This is best way to try different ad positions and select a best one which brings more revenue.

Final Talk : MyThemeShop has introduced many blog and magazine themes in last two years, with constant improvement in features. Pinstagram WordPress theme is also a result of modern blog design and consist of MyThemeShop Options panel which helps you adjust website settings easily.  This SEO ready blogging theme brings you highest ranking on search engines, and social media icons increase followers for social profile. The benefits are endless, so all I can say is to get Pinstagram theme to enjoy pintesest blogging.

Pinstagram Responsive WordPress Theme - MyThemeShop

Pinstagram Features Review

  • Color schemes with unlimited choices
  • Google fonts oriented : Change font for specific area or entire website
  • Widgets Board : Drag and Drop widgets for Subscription, Popular Posts
  • Ample list of short-codes : Use buttons, Light-box, Columns into posts/pages
  • Big range of background options : Plain Color, Texture or Custom image
  • Social sharing buttons : Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, LinkedIn etc.
  • Smart positions for adsense ads : sidebar, into post (top,bottom)
  • Ready icons font library : Add icons to website and increase readability
  • Clean coding : Well commented
  • Translation ready : Change languages
  • 6 layouts to select from

Price :
Single Theme : $45

Get Pinstagram WordPress Theme – MyThemeShop

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