Zigzagpress Single : One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme

Single is a WordPress portfolio theme made from one-page layout by Zigzagpress. It is a responsive theme for business and portfolio sites. The theme includes everything within homepage which is the only one place to display all your contents. If you want to create a single page website with landing page style layout then it should be your main choice.

Single Zigzagpress - Business Portfolio WordPress Theme

Bijou Theme Review : Zigzagpress

What We Liked About Single WordPress Theme

Among all genesis child themes, we love this one very much for it’s unique and flexible homepage design. The theme shows many contents on homepage areas including portfolio items, services, team members, tabs, slider and more. Hence, it saves a lots of time by loading all your content in one page. The theme shows all shortcode content sections in modular style like a stack.

Every content area shows custom title with big font size, featured images, multiple columns and more. Whatever portfolio items, blog posts, team members you will add will appear under relevant home sections. If you check theme design then it looks very clean and clear in-terms of reading. Thanks to customizer options panel that offers settings to setup typography, color, and background styles.

Responsive Portfolio Theme

The visual customizer saves plenty of time by showing all changes live in preview box. So you can choose different font style, colors and background in shortest time. The easy theme options won’t just save your time but also make novice users to create and control business website on their own. If you are an agency having requirement to create one page website then you must use Single theme as first choice.

Features Overview : Single Zigzagpress

Custom Background : The homepage sections look really awesome with parallax background. You can assign background in this order : 1,5,7 and leaving others (2,3,6) as it is. When you choose section related background image then you can really make your site look more creative. For e.g. if you are adding parallax image for “Service” section then you can choose service related background image.

Csutom Parallax Background -  Single Genesis Theme

The Single WordPress theme maintains good speed despite adding images in background. Many websites become slow when you add multiple featured sections on homepage. But this theme is coded with smart design which maintains good speed and smooth scrolling effect. Just browse the demo and scroll through each section to see the smoothness and elegant look.

Floating Header / Menu : Zigzagpress provides most of the WordPress themes with floating header layout. So website owners can provide a dedicated header navigation point so user can easily reach different sections. Just open demo and scroll up or down side to see how it always keep header menu on the top of the page. This dedicated menu section always keeps you in touch with central navigation system.

Floating Header Menu - Single Zigzagpress

Apart from floating style, it also connects each home section with menu links. The documentation will explain you on how you can add button link for each section into menu bar. So visitors can just click a link from menu and reach on the select section with auto-scrolling system. If you click on “Blog” link from menu-bar then you will automatically scroll and reach to latest blog posts section.

Long and one page layout often becomes hard to scroll up and down repeatedly. So when you use this type of auto scrolling navigation system then it can save time and improve browsing experience.

Homepage Shortcode Sections : Zigzagpress

The Single WordPress theme is a flexible one page WordPress theme with lots of custom shortcodes. So you can easily insert slideshow section, portfolio section, services, team members list, latest blog posts, contact and other sections. The theme includes content management options on back-end side. So you can easily add new blog posts, portfolio posts and other elements.

Homepage Shortcodes - Single Child Theme

The shortcodes provide custom options where you can just manage to display contents in whatever way you like. This is how you can display company intro, media rich slideshow, partner’s list and more. As you come to footer area then you will find widget space to display social media links. The right bottom corner always shows a floating button which takes use to scroll with single click.

This “Back To Top” buttons scrolls user automatically to the top of the page with one click. Hence, user can save time taken to reach on the top of the page using mouse wheel. User experience is put on the top most preference while developing this genesis child theme. And you can’t really impress visitor’s heart without providing best browsing experience.

Portfolio : Single has built-in filterable portfolio which is best tool to highlight projects in appealing style. The portfolio listing section shows all projects in featured grid style with filter navigation bar on the top left corner. So visitors can use “All” button to check all projects or select filter category link to view projects from any one category area.

Portfolio Listing - Single Zigzagpress

The filter effect is very smooth and it looks awesome on mobiles and all devices. Thanks to responsive web design which takes care of all screen types. If you really need a business and portfolio website to increase leads and client base then here is best choice.

ZigZagPress – Single Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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