Introducing Responsive WordPress Auction Theme by SiteMile which provide a full solution to start your own auction website within moments. It is rated as one of the best auction theme for WordPress by many expert reviewers (including me) because it requires no coding knowledge. The theme will ask you to go through a simple setup and customization process with the help of given documentation guide. The SiteMile Auction Theme gives you ready post tools to create auction listings and manage all auctions easily.
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You will love homepage for it’s ability to display latest auctions in featured style so that visitors can see have a look at all newly added auctions. Apart from that, you can also highlight all auctions categories with total listings count so that user can see them all and open any one of them. The top of the front-page will use carousel slider to display plenty of items with auto scrolling mode. The carousel bar will use featured thumbnails to attract visitors attention and it also provides navigation arrows on the both side for manual navigation.
Read : Pricerr Review – SiteMile
What We Liked In Auction WordPress Theme ?
There is no single feature which makes it a best auction template for WordPress, but there are many which makes it a best solution for novice and advanced user. The homage demo preview shows that it has sidebar on both side, advertisement banner spot in body area, full-width top region (for slider and categories), Quick search module and more.
The header area is also capable to attract visitors attention by showing Custom Logo, large search box and multiple menus. The header has 2 menus so you can implement “Add New Auction, Blog, Watch List and other links” on the top. The second menu (bottom of header) can be used to display links to access all or particular category pages.
The back-end options panel is packed with number of ready features so you will have full flexibility for content management, customization and all tasks required to manage an auction website. The clean design and proper font size will provide proper visibility to customers. Thanks to SiteMile for providing a highly responsive auction script that always fit on mobile and all handy devices.
Auction Tools :
The theme has unique features so you can set buy now price, start price, reserve price and other stuff. The bidding process is straight and easy which requires user to sign-up (for new account), or sign-in (for existing users). The theme has capability to prevent last time bidding ans also supports silent auctions. All these features together will help sellers to get maximum benefit by getting highest bids from all bidders.
Auction Post :
This is a WordPress custom post found on admin area which helps you to create new auctions within minutes. Thanks to SiteMile Auction Theme for providing a simple way to create and manage auctions postings. Using this ready post type, you can define categories or select existing one, select auction mode, insert relevant tag, add reserve price / buy now price and more.
In-short, you will feel like filling a form with ready fields where you will provide product details, upload images, define location map etc. The ready post will help you create an informative auction listings so that buyers can have maximum details before they bid on your product or service.
Payment Methods :
All premium WordPress themes developed by SiteMile are connected to all multiple payment gateways which is useful to get more customers. If you provide support for only one payment system them you may have less customers compare to multiple payment options. WordPress Auction Theme by SiteMile is integrated with iDeal Sisow, PayPal, Payza, Skrill, Bank Payment (Off-line), Payfast, Payson and more. These ready modules will ask you to fill necessary details and soon you will start accepting payments for auctions listings.
Conclusion :
This was a short-overview at main main feature provided in this WordPress auction theme but there are many more. So please have a look at features list below to know more about this theme. SiteMile has provided a custom profile management page (back-end) so all users can see their posted auctions, Activity status, Customers feedback and other stuff.
I would suggest this auction software to all WordPress users who wants to save their time and money. This developer provide free updates, premium support and all type possible help that is hardly provided by other developers.
Auction Theme SiteMile :
- Percent (%) fee feature : Charge percentage share from auction amount
- Responsive for all screen size and modern internet devices
- User Profiles : Manage and check all activities from back-end
- User rating and feedback system : 5 star icons
- Monetization Options : Featured Listings, Fixed Fee, Membership fees
- Make an offer Feature : User can send you low price offer (less than Buy now price)
- Auction Expiration : Define Minimum and Maximum days (for expiry)
- Auction Mode (winner selection : Free-bid, Normal, Reverse
- Zip and Post code search : Radius for location
- Full control : Re-list, Edit, Delete auctions
- Facebook And Twitter integration : Get more traffic and Likes
- Email Notifications
- Automatic Proxy Bidding : Automatic bidding (based on maximum bidding price)
- Currency Support : USD, AUD, EUR, CAD, ZAR, JPY, GBP and more
- Search Engine Optimized and Light weight design
- Regular Updates : New features, Bug Fix and Support for latest WordPress versions
Price : $69.99 (Single License)
Demo & Info : Sitemile Auction Theme
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