Hardy Portfolio WordPress Theme : ThemeTrust

Hardy is a minimal and fluid responsive portfolio WordPress theme released by ThemeTrust. The theme enables you to publish all your projects in professional style so that you can get more targets. The built-in options panel provides you more flexibility in website setup and that too without writing any code. If you check-out homepage demo then it has full-width layout having slider and portfolio entire.

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Hardy WordPress Theme Review - ThemeTrust

The theme is popular among creative people who wants to start agency or project showcase website. The theme gives you handy tools to manage portfolio, blog section, styling, layouts and everything. Thanks to ThemeTrust for providing custom options panel which simplifies everything for website setup.

Why Hardy WordPress Theme ?

We would give give thumbs upto to this theme for it’s minimal and responsive layout. Hence, it can fit to any screen size and still maintain same speed. User can browse your portfolio items from desktop, smart phones and many other devices. Another best past is speed and clutter free layout which can boost passageways and SEO ranking.

Hardy Responsive Portfolio Theme - Theme Trust

If you love advanced WordPress features then you will like Ajax support homepage pagination. It just asks visitors to click “Load More” button to view more projects. Compare to numbered pagination, ajax can load more projects without reloading the entire page. Hardy theme has google fonts library so you can setup best typography for your website. And user will surely love to read your project details and blog posts.

Ajax Pagination - Footer Widgets by Theme Trust

Featured images are used everywhere on website so that visitors can easily find a quick preview of your projects. Whether it is homepage, blog section or other area, you will find featured images and excerpt everywhere.

Hardy ThemeTrust : Main Features

Unique Homepage : The theme has been developed with single page homepage area where user can see all your projects with large featured images. You can publish your portfolio work using Project post type. Hence, it won’t need any more plugins to create and mange portfolio section. Just visit back-end menu options and you will find portfolio tab.

Portfolio Options - Hardy

The portfolio tab let’s you add project details, photos, gallery and even more elements using Theme Trust shortocodes. You can use built-in options to create impressive portfolio listings which doesn’t take any special skill.

Slideshow : Another best optional element of homepage which gives you a best platform to highlight best elements. Whether is is important blog post or special portfolio project, you can pick anything for slider. The slider can be enabled from ThemeTrust options panel and you will find special options tab to add slides with more details.

The Hardy WordPress theme allows you to add text, heading, links, featured images and other details with portfolio. The home slider can automatically rotate your slides and that’s what will attract your visitor’s attention.

Home Slider - Hardy Theme

More Details :

The theme consist of full-width blog template so that you are not restrict by only portfolio page. The blog section gives you good platform to share your news and tips with readers. The widgetized footer area is also helpful when you want to highlight contact details, social links, banners or custom text. ThemeTust has offered special widgets so you can utilize them to create attractive footer.

Hardy Blog

Before we conclude with this review, let me tell you that Hardy Theme gives you fully customizable portfolio sections. That means you can change background style by selecting any color, pattern or image. This feature enables you to choose custom styling and background for every project so you will have unique project listing for every portfolio post.

All Projects : ThemeTrust

  • Portfolio Post Support
  • Archive template
  • Touch Swipe Slideshow : Shortcode
  • Special shortcodes : Button, Column
  • Flickr and Twitter widgets support
  • Custom theme options panel
  • Custom background options
  • Custom header and menus
  • Google fonts list
  • Video embed support
  • All browser compatibility
  • Localized theme

ThemeTrust Hardy Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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