MyThemeShop NewsToday : News Magazine WordPress Theme

NewsToday is a premium magazine and news Blogging theme by MyThemeShop. The versatile layout makes it a perfect solution to start any type of online journal platform. If you go on to other WordPress themes store then you will find basic features. But, this theme has advanced content presentation features that is only seen on professional news portals.

NewsToday - News Magazine WordPress Theme By MyThemeShop

The top features includes Breaking News Ticker, Custom homepage layout and lots of widget areas. So you can think of getting huge success for content marketing and also earn good revenue from ad integration. This is most popular adsense friendly WordPress theme suitable with all advertisement and affiliate marketing programs.

Blogging Theme Review : MyThemeShop

MyThemeShop NewsToday : Homepage Layouts

3 Unique Demos : Before we talk on homepage customization process, let me show you how yo can quickly start your news site. The package comes with 3 pre-defined homepage styles that includes : Default, Dark, and Craft. If you open demo then it shows default structure with many featured post sections, sliders and sidebar. The dark style also has content optimized homepage bit it shows everything in dark bold style.

The craft homepage style looks ideal for fashion, lifestyle, cooking and other creative topics. These demo layouts are just provided with a hope to give you a quick way for beginning. So you can upload any best layout and develop same prototype for your website.

Homepage Demo - NewsToday

Homepage Elements : The homepage area shows multiple content sections and they all are connected to custom categories. By default, NewsToday WordPress theme only shows latest blog post entries in list view style. But, you can make it work to display slider, fixed post, and featured posts. For that, you have to use homepage options which helps you to choose custom category, color style, and number of posts for each section.

The home settings panel allows you to add as many sections as you like in your own style. You can assign custom posts layout to home featured category blocks from the given list. Just like demo, you can also display one, two and multiple posts in featured style. It provides multiple post grid layout, slider type carousel any many ways to display latest posts from pre-defined categories.

Homepage Layouts - NewsToday MyThemeShop

This is why it is known as multi-purpose WordPress theme that adjust to all journal platforms. Whether you need sports blog, fashion magazine platform or personal content marketing portal, it is always suitable for all conditions.

Magazine Theme Review : MyThemeShop

What Else We Liked In NewsToday ?

Breaking News Ticker : When you are launching news or online magazine website then you must use “News ticker”. This section appears below the header area and it is good spot to catch visitor’s attention. The news ticker comes with auto scrolling section so it keep rotating news headlines automatically. The ticker options will give you options to select categories and number of posts. Then it will keep highlight new text headlines from selected categories.

Header Elements : The main header block comes with custom design and optional floating menu. So you can choose custom background style for header and menu section. The uploader gives you option to use custom logo or just add text as logo and tag-line. The header right includes “Call to Action Section” ideal to display newsletter subscribe or any other text links. Along with that, you can further optimize header by showing Header Search and Social media links.

Header and Breaking News Ticker - NewsToday

Single Post Settings : MyThemeShop NewsToday WordPress theme has custom single post options. These options can enable or disable certain contents that appears on the top of bottom of articles. Single post layout selector shows option to choose taxonomy for “Related posts” section. You can also define total number of posts for related posts section. Besides that, there is a way to highlight Author box, Mega details (tags, categories, date), breadcrumb and more.

Thanks to social media management section which provides way to add custom links for social profile pages. Once you add links then you can promote them on header, sidebar and other widgets using custom widgets. This feature can enable social sharing buttons on single posts on left (floating mode). Also, you can choose to add sharing button on top or bottom or both places.

Single Post with Social sharinb buttons - NewsToday

Magazine/News Theme Benefits : MyThemeShop

Custom Sidebar : The page layout style can put sidebar onto left or right position. Sidebar is helpful to promote banners, featured posts, custom links, newsletter box, and other stuff. You can also promote same widgets on footer, which is second big widget area. The good thing about NewsToday is that you can use unique sidebars for different sections. So content marketers can display different widgets and sidebar for homepage, category pages and other page sections.

Footer Widgets : Footer is wide and spacious widget section ideal to promote author profile, contacts and custom menus. Mythemeshop provides optional footer menu and custom background style selector. It has 2 blocks known as Fist and Second footer widgets. The first (top) footer block can show upto 6 widgets and it is optional. The second widget section appears on bottom with 4 columns space.

Footer Options - NewsToday MyThemeShop

Other Benefits : The news and magazine sites are mostly developed with long homepage layout. That’s why, footer gives you “Back to top” button to take readers on the top of the website. You can assign custom color or background style for header, body area, footer and other places. If we talk on options panel then MyThemeShop offers custom settings page with various tabs. The settings include Homepage, Advertisements, Social links, Single posts, Sidebars and more.

This is best responsive and SEO ready WordPress theme for magazine, blog and news portals.

MyThemeShop – NewsToday Theme : Click for Demo & Price

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