Boutik is a WordPress eCommerce child theme released for genesis framework by Zigzagpress . If you want to start online goods store then you need this child theme and framework developed from StudioPress. The market has lots of WooCommerce themes still Zigzagpress though to create a unique template that would show products in elegant and professional style.
If you check homepage layout from demo then it clearly shows that every home section looks bigger and clear. The theme works as goods shop but you can also add business features, services or other stuff. So this is best solution to start stand alone eCommerce portal or a business website with online shop.
Stay Theme Review : Zigzagpress
Why Boutik WordPress Theme for Online Shops ?
Flexible Homepage Area : We have seen this feature with every genesis child theme released by StudioPress or 3rd party developers. This is what makes it a unique framework for WordPress. Novice user never work with coding or technical stuff, so StudioPress though to create such a framework that would offer drag and drop homepage layout. Besides that you will see ready options to manage entire website.
The homepage widget area is there to promote anything with genesis and basic widgets. You can use WooCommerce shortcodes with widgets to highlight latest products from various categories. The shortcodes let’s you add 2, 3 and more columns to promote multiple featured items in single row. The genesis featured posts and pages widget are helpful to promote best items, blog posts, pages and more.
You can also display best offers, call to action, contact details, testimonials, and portfolio items on homepage. Boutik is released as an eCommerce so homepage demo is created with that niche in mind. But, you can chance homepage to show team members list, services slider, blog posts and many other stuff as well.
Theme Options : This is another strong side of Zigzagpress and genesis child themes. You need to follow ready controls and options to chance color skins, background style, header and font style. Site owners are never going to need programmer while creating or customizing online shop website. Whether you are a novice user or professional web developer, these visual customization options can be helpful to save your time taken by manual customization work.
Hyphen Zigzagpress : eCommerce Theme
Boutik eCommerce Theme Features :
Shop Page Options : Before we get started talking about online shop related features you must know that WooCommerce plugin is required to setup in order to access these features. Once you are done with basic setup and add few products then you will see shop page with grid listing layout. Administrator can define page layout for shop page with number of items and grid style used for the page.
You can choose to enable sidebar for shop and single page to promote custom WooCommerce related widgets on sidebar. Mostly, online stores show product filter, category list, recent posts, and offer banners in sidebar. As you place mouse on any featured listings, it will show you flop hover effect in live mode. This effect is enabled to show product from another angle when user places mouse pointer on product thumbnail.
We don’t see sorting options in Boutik demo, but that features is available for every WooCommerce store. The plugin brings custom widgets, shortcodes and shopping cart options. The cart and checkout page controls are found within options page where you can define your choice about offers, payment gateways and more.
Product Page : Choose any single product page to check how it shows every single product with clear call to action style. The product page begins with bold title having gallery box on left side. Right side shows price, add to cart button, and small detail about item. The bottom part shows a separate box with dual tabs showing Description and Reviews.
Related products section is enabled to display other items listings from same categories below all single listings. When you show relevant items featured listings then user becomes interested to browse more products. The easy to use cart section and straight check out process saves time while simplifying online shopping.
Extra Features : Boutik Zigzagpress
Blog Section : How can we forget journal page which is common part for every type of business or shop website. This section is used as a traffic generating source by posting niche articles. If you are running fashion store then you can write blog articles related to fashion tips, or promote special offers. As a result, you will be getting organic visitors on website searching for fashion and relevant terms.
Header Area : This is known as common navigation area which shows all links added in primary menu. Demo preview shows simple menu with logo and navigation bar with cart icon link. Search box and Log-in links are also placed to help visitors to find products or access account section. You can assign custom sidebar to blog section and display latest posts, banner, recent products etc.
When you set header in floating style then it becomes visible when scrolling with long pages.
Portfolio : Let visitors check portfolio collection which would be latest season photo shoot or your unique product collection. Most of the business agencies and online shop uses genesis portfolio features to add projects list or photo gallery. This is optional but helpful feature for all business websites.
The page layouts list has 3 choices with full-layout and 2 sidebar layouts with left/right sides. You are getting necessary theme options, widgets, page templates, shortcodes and documentation guide to setup your own business store.
Zigzagpress – Boutik Theme : Click for Demo & Price
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